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Moving with the momentum:
Mountain Biking 

Cycling is an easier way to move around and it is faster than walking or running.

With a shorter time you can explore much more terrain.

When moving with a speed downhill we can feel the pleasant breeze on our body cooling down after the uphill climb. There is a good choice of paved and forest trails around Naeba. 

Whether you are beginner or  advanced mountain biker we will accommodate to your needs.

There are mountain bikes for rent at the Naeba Prince Hotel. 
If you feel that cycling around the hotel is not what you expected from mountain biking, talk to us.

We know the area pretty well and could take you for longer and more challenging tour either on the paved road, easy forest trail or bumpy single track. 

We can help you to get more skills and confidence in riding a mountain bike. 

There are beautiful places around Naeba and using a bike is much easier way to reach them. 

There is a mellow downhill run to the onsen, not steep but quite technical single track with easy paved access, road by the river climb to the old ski resort or even longer loop with a combination of road and forest riding for those who are looking for bigger challanges.

Talk to us and let's find the best MTB Tour for you!

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