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Our Crafts Classes 

Enjoy making something beautiful, useful and unique. 

Join our crafts classes and do it by yourself.
We will guide and help you.

Dream catchers

Dreamcatcher making

Dreamcatcher's shape represents circle of life. It also metaphorically resembles journey of the sun and moon around the sky. It is responsible for catching bad dreams and evil spirits during sleeping time and getting rid of them before new day starts. 

In our center, our friendly staff will guide you how to make it from scratch. You will not only take good memories back home but also a magical tool to improve your sleep quality.

SDGs Paper Lanterns

Recycle Paper Lantern 

In the world where we consume more and more it's quite handy and useful to learn how to reuse some products. 

Let's promote Sustainable Development Goals.

We will teach you simple, creative and fun way to recycle milk boxes and make colorful and beautiful paper lantern which, of course, you will take home with you. 

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